
地址(ADDRESS):240 Legacy Dr. #100. Plano, TX, 75023

電話(TEL):972- 517-2079

營業時間(OPENING HOURS):11:00am-10:00pm

付款方式(METHID OF PAYMENT):•Cash •VISA• MASTER •American Express


UMEKO SUSHI & GRILL is a 30-more year old Chinese restaurant located beside Asia World Market to serve Chinese and locals with professional, quality services. Surrounded by shopping and casual atmosphere, the restaurant’s diverse food choices satisfy needs of different c  ustomer groups in hopes of becoming a community family kitchen to serve diners the gourmets of fair price. As a quality-oriented restaurant, UMEKO persists in selecting genuine ingredients to secure the quality of foods and beverages and speed of cooking as well as the delicacies served at low price that makes the restaurant known for its good word of mouth and quality customer services.



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